Hello Spring. Thrilled to have you here. You’re definitely my favourite season. I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to wake up to a chill-free bedroom. Where I can skip (not dance the freezing scuttle) down the hall to make my morning brew and feel the warmth of the floorboards from the sun under my feet.
No more multiple layer on layer, day dressing. Just one layer (or two for us Melbournians) and you’re set.
Spring time allows me to walk my son to school. Past the beautiful manicured gardens in my neighbourhood filled with lots of shades of pink: fuchsia, watermelon, pink, rose, nude. The air smells sweet, sometimes sickly sweet of jasmine flower and the shops smell of all our favourite light perfumes, like Dolce & Gabbana’s Blue or Tocca’s Liliana.
This is the vibe that I have tried to bring into my latest Spring range. The bursts of colour and detailed floral and the ease of care that comes with the warming of the season. Spring is all about the anticipation of summer and the fun that it brings. We are starting to be outdoors more, we appreciate the warmth and embrace lighter clothes as get into celebration mode for the races, graduations, brunches, lunches and early Christmas celebrations. Any excuse of a champagne.
People seem cheerful, the buzz on the street is good. Our favourite day of the week, Friday nights, now include a drink first and a sunset display before our dinner date. The week does seem a little longer but the weekends feel valuable. I hope you, like I am, are making the most of the time in this sunshine. Enjoy
Love RTx