What do you admire the most about your mum?
Where do I begin? My Mum is a classic Leo who is determined to care not only for her own pride, but for all those around her. How a woman so small can have such a fantastic cooking repertoire; place no pressure on her children other than ‘just do what makes you happy’; the importance of good manners and community spirit and just be such a pocket rocket. Mum has me totally in awe.
What is something about yourself you've learnt from being a mum?
That nobody has it all figured out; you can never cuddle your children too much and to treasure every moment. From children jumping into your bed in the morning for cuddles, or writing down funny things your children say, because it won’t last forever. My Mum gave me a bookmark after my first son was born that I’ve now stuck on the fridge, ‘Parents hold their children's hands a while and their hearts forever.’ I get weepy every time I read it.
How do you maintain a sense of self whilst having to juggle work/children/family?
Who says I do? I’m just doing the best I can, trying to be authentic in my work, be a role model to my children, loving but tough and supportive towards my husband. Me, myself and I are just trying to move forward in a positive manner for all involved.
Who's style do you love?
Just before I went to Jordan recently I started following Queen Rania on Instagram to get an idea about what was politically correct and I just think she’s the bee’s knees, so elegant. That said, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley's Airport Style is on another level!
What is the one thing you would never be caught wearing?
I try when I’m traveling to always be respectful to the people around me and the local culture. A sleeveless dress in a church, too much cleavage beyond the beach, thongs in the Qantas lounge? Ah, nope, not gonna happen.
Can you think of your most favourite thing you've ever worn? What was it?
I found scrunched up in a ball at the back of my Nan’s drawer the most exquisite cream lace top and my Nan said in surprise "so that’s where my wedding top got to!". It was part of a beautiful set for her wedding day. So I asked my friend Rosie of Tea Rose to help me create a dress that incorporated the lace, which I wore for my Engagement party and I must say that made my Nan and I pretty happy.
What is a trend you wish would disappear?
Instagram makeup worn in the street. I mean really, contouring and piling on the shimmer is just so obvious.
What is one thing that makes you feel fabulous when you have no time to get ready and are running out the door?
Probably perfume. I was told recently to spray my Eau Dynamisante onto my hands and breathe it in and it really does lift your spirits. I have favourite perfumes collected from around the world that always takes me back in the happiest way. Just a whiff and off we go.
What is your favourite Rebecca Thompson Design?
I once went to the place where Claude Monet first learnt to paint ‘en plein air’, out of the studio and into the natural light, in Honfleur, Normandy and I wore a little bolero embroidered in the same colours I saw all around that town. My homage to Claude. I wore it with jeans and a T-Shirt, then recently saw a woman wear it to a wedding over a simple silk slip…it made us both so happy, worn in totally different ways.
How do you unwind?
Walk around my garden; call a girlfriend to chat; clean my house, bake a packet cake then pick some flowers…pretty simple things really.
What are you currently watching on Netflix?
Nothing, I live on a farm with no wifi, other than a tiny dongle. Yep, the Regional areas don’t seem to make the grade. That said, I did buy at my local market a DVD of The Crown and my husband and I love that.